Monday 24 June 2013

Southerndown Photo Trip

Weather looks good!  Bring a coat!

We're meeting in the car park at Barry Comprehensive at 6:30pm tonight, and can leave from there.

Don't forget your camera!

Monday 17 June 2013

Tonight's Digital Camera Class.

Don't worry it's not my cat, or camera! The cat would be dead if it were!

After being out and about for the last two classes, I thought we'd touch base for a change today. So we'll be meeting in the computer room tonight at the usual time of 7pm. 

I thought we'd have a look at some composition techniques in 'other peoples' pictures. Also talk about the considerations when hanging your photographs on the wall.

Bring your cameras - just in case! You never know!


Monday 20 May 2013

Tonight's Class

The weather seems it's a green light for Porthkerry Park!
See you all there in 40 mins!

Monday 22 April 2013

What a Washout!

The weather has been a bit hit and miss all day, and really we shouldn't have come out!  But these days you can't ignore the opportunity of a bit of fresh air. Here is a group shot of those who were brave enough, or crazy enough to face the elements!

Back to the classroom next week, but we'll have our camera's with us in case there is a heatwave - some chance!