Tuesday 31 August 2010

Enrol in Classes as soon as possible!


For those new, or for those of you who are going to pluck up the courage and come back and haunt me…..errrr I mean continue your learning,  then please enrol as soon as you can. This will ensure you get a place on the classes you want to do!  You can enrol by either calling into the Palmerston Education Centre, or by contacting them on 01446 733762.   For further advice click here.

The three classes I am teaching this Academic Year 2010-11 are:

Mondays 7-9pm:  Microsoft Publisher

Tuesdays 7-9pm: Digital Camera Masterclass

Wednesdays 7-9pm: PC Maintenance.

Enrollment is done on a first come – first served basis, so book now to avoid disapointment.

All classes commence the week beginning Monday 27th September 2010.


See you there!


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