Tuesday 1 November 2011

Digital Photography Class 5

Welcome back after the Half Term break!  Doesn't time fly? Class Five already!

Tonight's class started off quickly with a round up of the student folders, just so that I can cast my eye over them, and to make any comments. This keeps the people in charge happy, and also ensures that we have something to show the moderators of the centre should they wish to see examples of what the students do in the school.  So that's why it's important to keep your folders. Anyway, more about that in class next week.

The main focus of tonights session was our first look at Paint Shop Pro on the school computers. It was a demonstration of version thirteen of the software which it's full title is Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3.

The main reason we tend to use Paint Shop Pro as opposed to the industry leader Adobe Photoshop (which quite a lot of people rave about) is that firstly, it's relatively inexpensive, and secondly it is so much easier to use that Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. I say this with experience of both products. I have to use Photoshop on my Mac computer at home as there isn't a version of Paintshop Pro available.  So for me, and those of you with Apple computers, you have no choice in the matter, it's Photoshop or nothing.

Anyway, from teaching photo-editing for several years now, if there is something most people want, is to be able to do things as simple as they possibly can. They are not interested in long-winded processes or ways to do things, and again having used both products, PaintShop Pro wins hands down....it is so much easier to use - fact!

To purchase this for your computer at home you can click on the link below, and it will take you to Amazon's website. You haven't got to go to Amazon, but it's simply a guideline to how much it costs, and at the end of the day, they are a reliable company to deal with.

There is a newer version X4 available, but you will find version X3 more than adequate, and much cheaper.  Those on a budget, or who tend to just look for the ultimate bargains, will find copies of Versions 9, 10, 11 and 12 elsewhere online for even better prices, such as on eBay for an example.

The notes I currently use are for version 8 of PaintShop Pro, and everything in them is directly compatible with the later versions. In due course I will replace them with newer updates, however you should not be concerned by this fact as everything in them is the same in version X3. So don't panic.

Click on the link below to download a set of my notes on PaintShop Pro. There are only 11 pages, so I would highly recommend you printing these out.

PaintShop Pro Notes - PDF format

There is nothing worse than reading page after page of text, people like to see pictures with simple instructions. Here are some examples of what the notes are like:

The above screen shows what each of the tools do, and how to access them. Tools that are in the same location no matter the version of PaintShop Pro you have.

The above example shows the page for Resizing pictures, with clear simple instructions on exactly what to do.

There are many books on the market for PaintShop Pro, but I tend to find that with these simple notes to get you going, and the other things you will pick in class, you shouldn't need to spend a fortune on literature, you'll become familiar with it very soon!

Next week, I will be setting some exercises, a letting everyone have a go on the computers!

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