Monday 4 March 2013

Digital Camera Class 8

Time is running out for us pretty quick, I cannot believe this is the eighth class already!  Time flies when you are having fun!

The first order of business was to discuss Class 9. Back when we began I suggested that it might be a good idea if we spent one of the classes out of the classroom. The problem with teaching nightclasses at this time of the year is that the light is against us. So I suggested that we go somewhere perhaps on the weekend instead, at a time when it is convenient with the majority.  After much deliberation, and making sure Richard has enough time to do the dishes after Sunday lunch, we decided on Cardiff Bay, meeting up outside the Norwegian Church at 2:15pm on Sunday 17th March.

You can zoom in and out of the map below, and switch it to a standard map if you wish.

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Anyway, thats for the weekend after next.....

Tonight's class centred around a few topics, so it was going to be a bit of an in depth session, but you can't have it all, when you're having a nice time out, for the following class!! 

We started off by discussing F Numbers and Aperture Settings on Cameras. Basically altering the opening and closing of the aperture controls the amount of light let into the lens. Its very similar to how our eyes work.  Further bedtime reading if you really want to know more can be found here:

We then looked at ISO Speeds and Shutter Speeds, of which detailed reading can be found here:

....the latter being a bit like rocket science, so apologies for that!!

Getting the techy stuff out of the way, we then went on to look at how we copy and paste the pictures off our cameras, backup our data.

First of all, I find it so much easier to use a card reader with the computer. You dont have to mess about with cables and various pieces of software, you simply plug in the memory card from the camera into the computer, and simply cut, copy and paste to the folder you want. Delete the contents of the memory card, and away you go!

Finally we ended the session by looking at the various ways we can backup our data.  The external USB drive seems to be the best solution for most people. Combine that with the Windows Vista/ 7 'Backup and Restore Centre' and you've got all bases covered!

Don't forget, no class next Monday, we'll be meeting the following Sunday.  I will post a message on here on Sunday 17th, at noon, as to whether or not we'll be meeting up, ie. just in case of bad weather on that day!

Over and out!!  

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