Tuesday 7 December 2010

Digital Camera Masterclass Class 10: Term 1

My goodness, time certainly flies…I cannot believe it, this term has certainly whizzed by. It seemed like classed only started not that long ago, whereas in reality Christmas is a fortnight away!

Talking of Christmas, this week we got to see the pictures that the group took last week when we visited the Cardiff Winter Wonderland. A good time was had by all, and it was good to be back in the warmth of the computer room. The photographs that were taken by the group were very good – considering the weather conditions! Brrrrr!!


Despite the software Paint Shop Pro being re-installed for us, the software came up with errors and I couldn't run it, and for a second time, I couldn't do what I had planned…instead I printed off the exercise notes as most of the class had Paint Shop Pro at home. We then decided to call it a day and head home!

Next term classes begin on Tuesday 11th January 2011.   See you then!

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