Wednesday 26 September 2012

PC Maintenance Class 1

Autumn is here, and that means one thing, another new year of Night Classes at Barry Comprehensive!

Welcome to another year of PC Maintenance! This years group has 7 students, and it looks like we are going to have a great time!

Tonight's session like all classes at the beginning of term, started off with an presentation that had an introductory session. The aim of this part of the class is to allow the students to introduce themselves to each other, and for us to share what each and everyone is expecting of the course, and an opportunity for them to tell me their computer experience is. The allows me to pitch the level of the class.

The presentation I used, talked the students through the various aspects of the course that we would be following over the next three terms. Topics that we'll be looking at include: Computer hardware, software, Anti-viruses, Home networking, Wi-fi, Reinstallations, Upgrading, Building a PC from Scratch, Applications, Operating Systems - you name it, we'll cover it! I tell all the students that if there is something specific that they want to do, then to just ask, and we will sort something out!

The second half of the session involved a discussion of all the parts of the computer, and finished with a quick look inside the computer case. Next week we will take the computer apart and then reassemble it!
To download a copy of the presentation I used in class, click here!

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