Thursday 5 July 2012

The Last Supper

I cannot believe it, this year has simply flown minute it seems like it was September, and now, here we are and it July. Mind you, looking out of my window as I type this, it looks more like Autumn, with the rain lashing down the window.

Anyway, for our last class the group decided we should do something to celebrate having come so far on our PC Maintenance adventure. The original plan was for a BBQ at Cold Knap, but the British weather put pay to that hair-brained scheme - afterall what were we thinking, a BBQ in the summer...hah!

The Cwm Ciddy was the proposed destination, as it provided a good hearty, value for money meal, of which we all knew would be good. Here are some pictures from the evening.

This coming September will be my thirteenth year of teaching Adult Education Classes, and I really appreciated the students sticking with it, and for coming along. I have certainly enjoyed the time we have spent in class, exploring the many different aspects of the course, and having fun along the way. I have always said, that when teaching the classes becomes too much of a chore, or I no longer enjoy it, that that would be when it becomes time to call it a day. However, when I have classes like the one I have taught this year,  especially this year, with great group of students that I had, it makes it all worthwhile.

Enjoy the summer....

Be back in September!

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