Monday 18 February 2013

Digital Camera Class 6

Last week's class - voting on what photographs we liked!!!
Not quite like Britain's Got Talent, but nevertheless the opportunity for the class to show off their project work they did. I gave the class a list of catogories to choose from, and to take 6 pictures from 3 of the groupings.

The purpose of the session was mainly, to discuss and critique the work that each of the students did. I explained that it was to be an open session where we say exactly what we think of the images, not meaning to be nasty, but to offer constructive critisicim such as ' could have been better if the image was taken from another angle' and that sort of thing.

The session went very well, and was very positive indeed.  Time caught up with us though, and we had two more students to review. We'll look at them first thing next week.

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