Monday 4 February 2013

Digital Camera Class 5

Can you believe it's half-term next week? Time flies when you are having fun! That being said, if you turn up next week for class you'll be disappointed, because the doors will be locked!

Not wanting to disappoint, I have set the class a project for the next two weeks, 

From the following topics, choose three, and take 6 pictures from each category. By all means take more pictures whilst you are doing so, but put the best ones in your student folder. So that’s 18 photographs in total.

Your choices are:

1.   “The Weather”

2.   “Things that make me smile!”

3.   “An Afternoon Walk”

4.   “Colourful Things”

5.   “Past, Present & Future.”

6.   “Enjoying Food.”

7.   “Planes, Trains or Automobiles.”

8.   “My Town.”

Students in the class will print out there pictures to go in their student files, and bring in the images so that we can see them on the whiteboard, and have a constructive criticism session, which has proved very useful based on classes gone by.

Anyway, putting that aside for now, onto tonights class....

We had a brief look at the Student folders and saw how they should be set out, and what you need to achieve, based on the criteria set out in the documentation. Everyone seems happy about this.  If you have any questions about this, please do not panic,  either have a chat with me in class, or email me at

Ploughing on, we continued with the same theme as last week, but taking it a step further. I provided the group with a set of 14 images, which ranged in complexity. The reasoning behind giving 14 images was to ensure that there were plenty of exercises for everyone to do, no matter their level.  I jokingly said that if they finished all 14 they could go home early.

I had uploaded the images onto the Internet, so the first task was to download some of the images and save them into their own folders. The task was to make some relatively modern images look old fashioned. This was to be achieved by removing any forms of modernisation from the images with the Clone Brush and Scratch Remover, and then to apply a Sepia toning, and finally to blur the image several times to make it look dated and old.

I must say the results around the room from everyone in attendance was incredible - well done to everyone!!

Click this link to open up the webpage with the sample pictures on.  If you do not have a copy of Paint Shop Pro, then you can download a trial from and then you can have a go at some of the exercise pictures at home!

Enjoy the half-term and I'll see you in a fortnight!!

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