Monday 28 January 2013

Digital Camera Class 4

Click click click....that's all I could hear as I glanced around the computer room at 19:54 this evening. It was the noise of a class full of students heavily engrossed in the task that I had set for tonight.

The task for tonight was to alter a set of images that I had provided and to correct various elements in them. Such as remove some over-head cables, or to remove a burnt car wreck from the beach.

I started the class with a simple demonstration of how the Clone Brush and Scratch Removal tools in Paint Shop Pro worked.

Paint Shop Pro from Corel, is one of two graphics packages installed on the school computers, the other is Adobe Photoshop.  Experience has taught us, despite its alleged reputation, every student that has come through the door of my class has left and said how much easier Paint Shop Pro is, and that's why we continue to use it. If I can show you fantastic ways to alter images, and get great results in an easier manner, why would you choose do to do something the hard way!?

There were 14 images in total, the reasoning behind that, was that there would be more than sufficient to keep even the brightest student in the group going until beyond 9pm, although I did say that if anyone did finish all 14 pictures to my satisfaction they could go home early!! 

I gave a set of simple instruction out in class, they were printed in black and white, if anyone would like a set in colour then you can click here to download the notes, and print them off on your own  printer.

Here are a selection of photographs of tonight's class busy editing their photographs!


Next week we will be making some old fashioned looking photographs from modern images!

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