Monday 21 January 2013

Digital Camera Class 3

A practical session this week, I wanted the class to bring their camera's into school with them, and I'd set them a photo shoot exercise.

The problem with doing a camera class in the evenings at this time of year, is that we are limited to the things we can take pictures of during the hours of 7 and 9pm at night! So considering that, tonight's practical photography session was based on the words 'Shape, Form and Texture'. The brief was to take at least 6 good photographs, and the students were to interpret the words in whatever manner they wanted.

I then gave them plenty of time to take their camera's and wander around the school, looking for difference sources to take images of. 

We finished off with a look at Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 on my Apple Mac laptop. Looking at how to use the Clone Stamp tool.

Adobe Photoshop Elements - used by many, but no where near as easy as Corel Paint Shop Pro.

Next week we will be using the computers for the first time. Paintshop Pro has been installed for us, and we will be seeing how easy it is to modify pictures and enhance them!

See you then!

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