Saturday 26 January 2013

eBay - Saturday Workshop

Thank you very much to all that came along to the eBay workshop today. All in all I think it was a rather successful session, and I hope that everyone enjoyed themselves.

As promised if you click the link below you will be able to download a copy of today's classes presentation.

It is in PDF format so you may need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. It's on many computers so you may be lucky. If not you can download that separately from and choose Downloads.

Click the link below to open it, or if you want to download it to your computer's harddisk then right click it, and choose 'Save Target As'

If you are interested in Photography, you might like to look at the galleries on my site as well, by clicking here:

Any comments about today's class, or questions arising from it, please feel free to email me.   All feedback is encouraged. If you also have any questions about any of the other classes that I teach, and would perhaps possibly be interested in joining a class, then please do get in touch.   My address is


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