Monday 14 January 2013

Digital Camera Class 2

Tonight's Class was an introductory look at how Photoshop / Photoshop Elements works. However I started the session off with a look at the Agored Course materials and student work files. I went through the criteria of what is expected of all the students.

This is the main screen for Adobe Photoshop Elements. I gave the group a guided tour quickly of the main icons/tools down the left hand toolbar. I demonstrated how you can remove parts of the picture using the Clone Stamp Tool.

I did want to demonstrate how Paintshop Pro works, however the software had been removed from the computers. I have however put a request into the school for this to be rectified within a fortnight, when I'd like the group to have some hands on time. 

Myself I use an Apple computer, and have no choice but to use Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, however my prefered choice of software for editing is Paintshop Pro.

Next week we are going to have a practical session to start with, and I have asked the students to bring in their cameras, and hopefully afterwards, we can have a demonstration of Paintshop Pro.  

Fingers crossed.

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