Saturday 29 May 2010

PC Maintenance: Backup Devices.

It’s something I always bang on about in Nightclasses – and I cannot stress how important it is to make a second copy of the data that is important to you. I’ve tried various methods of backing up my computer in the past, I’ve used CDs and DVDs, I’ve used tape drives, but by far the easiest way is with a portable USB hard disk. The model that I currently have is a FreeAgent GO from Seagate. It has a capacity of 320GB which is more than enough for me at the moment, and as an extra I also purchased the Dock for it too, which provides easy connectivity.  Check out the video below for more information.



Since the video was made, Seagate have increased the capacity of the FreeAgent Go, with 640Gb and 1Tb models.  I highly recommend you get one, so have a look at Amazon for the current pricing of these drives. I shall write to Santa to see if he will get me a higher capacity one for Christmas!!

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