Tuesday 18 January 2011

Digital Camera Class 2: Term 2

This week was a practical session where we setup a background and took a series of photographs.  We used a roll of paper draped over a chair, and rolled it out flat, so we had a neutral background. This is ideal for taking pictures where you don’t want the background to clutter the picture to distract from the subject.

The group had brought in some objects from home, and I demonstrated to the group, the advantage of using a tripod.  First though, I demonstrated the full use of the tripod, and how to get the best from one.  Using the tripod, to steady the camera, we placed several items in front of the camera, and I demonstrated to the group how to compose the shot, and showed the difference it has, when you use the flash on the subject.

The class ended on a chilly note…..literally!  We went out onto the school field, with tripods to take some pictures of the full moon, that was high in the clear starry sky! 



My goodness it was cold….we’ll have a look at some of those pictures on the projector screen!

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