Wednesday 19 January 2011

PC Maintenance Class 2: Term 2

Tonight’s session was all about Applications. We started off the class with a PowerPoint presentation all about the different types of Application that we have.  We discussed the popular applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel.

We then looked at the Windows folder structure on a Windows XP computer. I demonstrated to the group, the Windows folders, the Program Files folder and the Documents and Settings folders.  We had a good look at the subfolder section, of the Documents and Settings folder, particularly the All Users folder, and discussed how we can deliver icons to all users desktop profiles on the computer. Comparing this to how the standard user profile works.

As a practical session,  I had borrowed 6 laptops, and I had some software that we could install.  The first part of the task was to do the Windows registration. The laptops were new, and it is common procedure to complete the Windows 7 installation with some personalisation details.

After that was complete, we proceded to install two pieces of software. The first was the ever popular, Microsoft Office, and the second was a piece of software called The 2-Simple Collection.  This enabled students who hadn’t installed software, to see what options are available when you put a piece of software on the computer.



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