Wednesday 26 January 2011

PC Maintenance Class 3: Term 2

This week, I created a presentation that presented the class with 10 Virtual Problems.

Each scenario posed a specific problem, that I have come across, and apart from the information displayed on the presentation, I invited the group to quiz me, or ask me any other troubleshooting related problems. This I considered quite a useful task, as these were potential issues the average user could come up against, and a valuable part of PC Maintenance is learning how to diagnose and fix these issues. Ten scenarios later they hadn't done too bad at all.

The second part of tonight’s, was sort of continuing something we’d done in a previous class, where we’d be talking about replacing or upgrading. I wrote a specification of a computer, and put it on the board for the class. They were to use the internet and find all of the components that were required to build the machine. I had a figure in my head as to how much I thought the specific machine would cost, and I guessed in the region of £500-550ish.

Surprisingly they majority of the group did well – apart from Claire who insisted that if she was buying something, her time is important, and hasn’t got the desire to look everywhere, so she went straight to the PC World website (mistake) and picked all her parts from there, and it was quite excessive to say the least!  Open-mouthed smile

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