Tuesday 16 November 2010

Digital Camera Masterclass Class 7: Term 1

This week we had an informal group session where we first of all looked at some wonderful photographs taken by Helen. She was lucky enough to win a holiday to South Africa and brought in a handful of the photographs she had taken.

Then I had brought with me, three presentations which contained a variety of incredible looking photographs, which as a group we all gave our opinions on.

To download these presentations so you can view them yourselves in the comfort of your own homes, click the links below:

Switzerland Presentation

Beautiful Pictures

Patrick Notely Presentation

The beauty of looking at images that other people have taken, is that it gives inspiration to us. Not necessarily the subject, for example I love pictures of tropical beaches, but its not always possible to visit those places on a day to day basis, but we can learn from the techniques we see in the images, and the angles from which they were taken.

Next week, we will have hands on session on the computers, where we will be making some old fashioned photographs!  Tune in next week for some of the results, both before and after.

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