Wednesday 24 November 2010

PC Maintenance Class 8: Term 1

Tonight’s class covered a few things. The first thing we discussed was troubleshooting printers. We first discussed the three main categories of printer. They are Inkjet, Laser and Dot Matrix – click each of these links for detailed information.

We discussed allsorts of various problems that occur with printers, from them not being switched on, to temperamental Deskjets that ruin reams of paper!


Next on the agenda, was the topic of Preventative Maintenance, where we discussed the types of things that we can do to prolong the life of our computers. Simple things, like cleaning them both internally and externally. We then looked at a series of photographs showing how a computer is put together. Back in the summer I had replaced the case on my own PC and had taken pictures whilst I did this. This proved useful because is showed step by step the installation of various parts of the computer.

We finished off the session with a look at Computers Viruses, and the different types that can be out there, and how they are spread.



Download tonight’s presentation for yourself below:

Next time, we are going to be looking at the more serious side of the Internet, were we’ll be looking at phishing, spyware and malware.



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