Tuesday 30 November 2010

Digital Camera Masterclass Class 9: Term 1

Brrrrrr it was cold! Snow and ice and the ground, but 5 brave members of this years group ventured out into the winter elements for our annual trek to the Cardiff Winter Wonderland. I’ve been taking the Digital Photography Class here for about 5 years now, and it’s the ideal place to practice taking night shots with your cameras, be it pics of the fantastic ice rink, or the huge ferris wheel, to twinkling lights on the various fairground attractions that are also on the site.


We met on the steps of Cardiff’s Museum and had a good walk around taking various photographs of the wintery/Christmasy sights and sounds. Use of the flash on the camera wasnt required, as it tends to make the images look a bit stark, so by turning it off you get the brightness of the glow of lights, and other vibrant colours. The downside, depending on the settings on your camera and the lighting conditions, the use of a tripod is highly recommended!


After walking around the Winter Wonderland, we headed off across the frozen city centre, down past the Hilton Hotel onto Queen Street, then across past the Castle and down St. Mary Street, where there was a very nice display of Christmas lights adorning the road.

For a full gallery of pictures that I took, click the link below:

Cardiff Winter Wonderland Nightclass Adventure

Next week, back in the warmth of the computer room, we will have a look at the photographs the group took, and I have been informed that the school has reinstalled Paint Shop Pro on the computers, so we might get time to do some of the exercises I had planned to do last week!

Keep warm everyone!

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