Friday 4 June 2010

A Blog in a Blog – Website Update!

After having put lots of thought into it, and taking the advice of many, the best thing to do was to completely strip out the old long winded Nightclass Resouces section of the website, and replace it with a simple Nightclass Information page. The new page just simply has the information about the three classes in the new Academic Year, when the classes are run, the dates, and a brief description.  Coming soon will be a full detailed course outline which will simply be added as a link to that page, and notification of that update will be posted here.



Previously the system was complicated for many, you had to create an account, then you had access to separate Digital Camera and PC Maintenance pages, where there was an account of what we did, and then there was a ‘downloads’ section to get class related work and various online resources.  Now those resources will be apart of the this Blog.  When I write up the weekly entries of classes, not only will they be of use to those that missed the class, but also I can tag in resources, or related materials to the blog entry. Keeping everything neater and in one place. 


For example, in the Digital Camera class we might spend an evening using the ‘Clone Tool’ in Paint Shop Pro, and I can now in addition to the summary of the class, but add a link so that the students can download notes on the subject, or sample exercise files that we used in class.

A special thanks to the following people for their advice by email: to James Marshall for still not convincing me about Twitter, but good advice on some other technical details, Rachel Armitage for proof reading some of the sections, and hopefully some others that she doesn’t yet know about, and telling me to keep it simple!  Yves Spierts for his advice on the choice of colour and design aspect of parts of the site, and best of all to Mike Wolfe for his bit of advice “My advice is that if it's a night class, make sure u have the lights on so people can read notes and see the keyboard!”

Hopefully this will make things a lot easier.

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