Wednesday 23 June 2010

PC Maintenance Class 9: Term 3

Where is the time going, Class Nine already of the summer term! Time does indeed fly when you are having fun!

Tonight David brought in his computer, it had developed a problem, it wouldn’t start up.  Tonight of all nights, I hadn’t brought any screwdrivers with me, but luckily Keith had some in his car.  Taking the lid of David’s computer, it became apparent that the power supply was the cause of the fault. We made a note of the type of power supply and used one of the schools computers to do an Internet search for a suitable replacement. We found that sold them, but obviously David couldn’t order online, so we found a telephone number for him to speak to Amazon. He will pursue this tomorrow.

Roger reported to the class that his computer was working better than ever….it’s always good to here positive news too!

After having a coffee break in the school’s Cybercafe, we went back to the class, and had a look at what is known as Hiren's Boot CD.  Hiren’s Boot CD  is a live CD containing various diagnostic programs such as partitioning agents, system performance benchmarks, disk cloning and imaging tools, data recovery tools, MBR tools, BIOS tools, and many others for fixing various computer problems . We had a look at some of the tools such as the memory checker, and a nice utility that does a low level format of the drive, so you can safely dispose it without the fear of your data being found or recovered.

It’s the last class next week, so stay tuned for an update on our final session for this Academic Year.

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