Wednesday 30 June 2010

PC Maintenance Class 10: Term 3

I thought as this was the last class, that we would start of, where for me, it all began, with my own BBC Model B Microcomputer. It was the first computer I had, and I had it in about 1985!


The BBC Microcomputer System, or BBC Micro, was a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by Acorn Computers for the BBC Computer Literacy Project, operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Designed with an emphasis on education, it was notable for its ruggedness, expandability and the quality of its operating system.

While nine models were eventually produced with the BBC brand, the term "BBC Micro" is usually colloquially used to refer to the first six (Model A, B, B+64 and B+128, Master 128, Master compact), with the subsequent models considered as part of the Archimedes series.

My original BBC is long gone now, but I managed to buy a replacement recently, and it was stunning condition, as you can see from these pictures. I am currently looking out for a good quality floppy disk drive for it, know of one? Email me!!

After I demonstrated and discussed the inner workings of this machine, we talked about various other ‘old school’ computers that each of us had in past years!  Roger brought in his usual list of questions, which I answered for him, and with the distant rattle of Jim’s key’s coming to lock up, so ended the last of my nightclasses for the academic year 2009-10. I cannot believe that time has flown by so fast….it seemed like yesterday we began our adventure into the world of PC Maintenance and Computers.

As they say in the cartoons…….”That’s all for now folks!”

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