Tuesday 29 June 2010

Digital Camera Class 10: Term 3

Tonight’s class was more of a get together and discussion of various things. We have, because of the weather, been able to get out and about taking photographs at various locations around the Vale of Glamorgan. 

Colin was back from his annual holiday to Egypt. He spent some time showing us the photographs that he had taken with his ‘phone’.  His Samsung phone has a built in 8 megapixel camera in it. Although he did take his other two camera’s. He had a wonderful time, despite it being ever so hot – about 52°C on one occasion!


Mandy had a few questions about Paint Shop Pro X2, as did Colin, which I was able to demonstrate on Mandy’s laptop, as she had it with her.

I also encouraged them to send in any photographs that they wanted displayed in the Art Exhibition at Palmerston Centre, which is next Wednesday.

Well that’s it – that’s a wrap!  The last Digital Camera class of this Academic year – what will I do on Tuesdays from now till September??

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