Tuesday 22 June 2010

Digital Camera Class 9: Term 3

The end of term is rapidly catching us up, however I must say that after last year the weather has been absolutely fantastic this summer so far. We have been able to get out and about most evenings for our classes! We all take our own photographs of the places we go to and sights we see, but great weather is fantastic for the Digital Photography Class as in my opinion it gives people that ‘two hour’ slot to specifically take photographs, that perhaps they might not give themselves.  As ever the choices of location we’ve been to this term have been varied, to make it quite interesting!

2 We parked our cars up on Redbrink Cresent over Barry Island, and walked down onto Jacksons Bay. After examining a recent rock fall, we continued our evenings venture around the point into Whitmore Bay, Barry Island’s popular sandy beach. The sunset was beautiful.

Walking around the point, we walked along the promenade at Barry Island, watching the sunlight gently get darker. There were still several people on the beach for that time of day. There were the lifeguards practicing with there surf boards, or so it appeared, but we were still on the point so it was difficult to see really. Also there were two groups of people playing beach volleyball, but the light was getting too low for us to take pictures of what they were doing. We headed back up the promenade after chasing a few seagulls and walked back up onto Nell’s Point, where the was setting really nice, and eventually we headed back to the cars through the new housing estate! It was quite a successful evenings worth of photographs!

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