Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Party’s Over – for this year!

That’s it people, game over, the curtain has closed on the final of my night classes this Academic year of 2009-10!  We started our series of adventures back in September and now it’s over for the summer break.  Time has flown by so fast – they say that happens when you enjoy yourself!

This was my tenth year of teaching Adult Education Classes at the Barry Comprehensive site, and we started off this year with three classes. Monday night we had our Digital Camera Class for Beginners. Tuesday night was our ever popular Digital Camera Class for Improvers, and Wednesdays was the PC Maintenance Class.  Sadly throughout the year, I lost the Monday class due to numbers, and for the summer term turned out somewhat complicated, but we devised a plan to keep the remaining classes alive!  All in all it was a brilliant year.

My thanks as ever go out to all of my students, who have given up their evenings this year to come along to the classes. It is the interest, the enthusiasm, the dedication of the students that makes it worthwhile, and makes me want to continue what has become a really enjoyable second job for me!

I have always said that when teaching these classes becomes a bind, or I get bored, then that would be the time to hang up my hat, and on that note, for those interested, I will be coming back again in September for another round of classes for the Academic Year of 2010-11. Hopefully some of the regulars will come back and harass me next year…..errr I mean come back for more learning!

In the meantime check back throughout the summer months, I will post a blog about the Art Exhibition next week, and carrying on blogging to keep you posted various items of interest as they crop up….so come back soon!

Enjoy the summer everyone.

See you in September!


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